Tallow Candles

How to Make the BEST Tallow Candles: Great Gifts! Super Easy!

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For generations, households have been lighted by tallow candles, which are made from rendered beef or mutton fat. These natural candles are highly valued for their warm, golden glow and lengthy burn times. They also have a faint meaty aroma.

Tallow Candles

Tallow candles provide a distinctive, environmentally beneficial option, even if paraffin and soy wax may now rule store shelves. For the discriminating candle fan, their long burn life, low soot output, and ecological design make them a great option even if they are a little more costly and more difficult to locate.

Tallow Candle Information Table

Tallow Candles
MaterialRendered animal fat (beef or mutton)
Benefits* Long burn time (2-3 times soy/paraffin)
Drawbacks* Potential unpleasant odor (can be minimized with proper sourcing and rendering)
HistoryUsed for centuries as a primary light source
Burn Characteristics* Bright, warm flame
Uses* Ambient lighting
Comparison to other waxes* Burns longer than soy/paraffin
Making Tallow Candles* Render fat
Safety* Follow proper burning practices
Where to buy* Online retailers
Future outlook* Potential for market growth due to sustainability trend


Tallow is a product derived from animal fat. usually from beef or deer fat, however it may originate from any type of ruminant. I’m making candles out of beef tallow today.

The animal fat is available from your neighborhood butcher. There are situations when they will be glad to get rid of it and situations when you will have to pay. The family of a close friend of mine keeps cattle. She retrieves from the butchers all of the bones and beef fat that comes from their meat.

She provided some to me recently, and I will always be thankful! An excellent method to use up so much tallow is to make tallow candles!

Candle Colours

Tallow Candles
WhitePurity, cleansing, clarity, peace
RedLove, passion, courage, strength
PinkRomantic love, friendship, compassion
OrangeCreativity, success, joy, enthusiasm
YellowIntellect, communication, clarity
GreenGrowth, abundance, fertility, healing
BlueWisdom, protection, tranquility, communication
PurpleSpirituality, psychic awareness, intuition
LavenderPeace, healing, relaxation
BrownStability, grounding, home and hearth
BlackAbsorbing negativity, protection, banishing
GoldWealth, success, prosperity, enlightenment
SilverIntuition, psychic abilities, feminine energy


The store-bought modern candles are made of paraffin wax. There’s poison in these paraffin candles! This is something I only recently learned.

As I was lighting a cinnamon candle that I had bought at the supermarket for the holidays, I discovered that each time I did, it was burning my eyes.

This lead met looked at the contents of the candle! Let me just say that learning what may be added to contemporary candles astonished me.

In any case, tallow candles are the best kind of non-toxic candles. They are a far superior substitute for contemporary candles.

What Jars Should I Use to Make Tallow Candles?

Items that may withstand high heat include mason jars, glass jars, candle tins, old jelly, and candle mold.

In search of some vintage candle jars to use for our candles, I went my daughter to our neighborhood thrift store! For less than ten bucks, we were able to get several amusing-looking jars!

Can You Add Sent to Tallow Candles?

Yes! I truly take pleasure in putting essential oils in my candles. This is my favorite aspect of creating tallow candles. You get to pick the smells you want and how powerful you want them to be.

It’s not necessary to use oils while creating tallow candles. They won’t emit any scent at all and can burn without it. You also have the option to use a scent-free burning candle.

How Much Tallow Do I Need to Make Candles?

Basically, how many candles you are producing will determine how much tallow you need. It also relies on how big your jar is. When manufacturing these candles, some guessing will be required.

You will need several pounds or around two to three cups of tallow for a pint-sized mason jar.

How to Make Homemade Tallow Candles?

Let’s get started on the detailed instructions for creating tallow candles. In less than an hour, you may complete this really straightforward and uncomplicated process.

Materials Needed:

  1. Tallow (grass-fed cow tallow or suet)
  2. Beeswax
  3. Cotton candle wick (preferably lead-free)
  4. Containers for candles
  5. Craft sticks (optional for support)
  6. Pot for melting tallow and wax
  7. Cheesecloth and mesh for straining (if cleaning beeswax)


1. Prepare the Wick:

Tallow Candles
  • Taking into account the size of your container, cut a cotton rope to the required length.
  • Melt the beeswax in a special saucepan.
Tallow Candles
  • Let the cotton cord soak in the molten beeswax for approximately five minutes, or until it stiffens.
  • Let the covered wick cool after removing it. Chop it into pieces that fit your containers.

2. Set up Containers:

Tallow Candles
  • Make sure the coated wicks are upright when you place them in the containers.
  • Use two or more wicks for stability in bigger containers.

3. Prepare Tallow and Beeswax Mixture:

Tallow Candles
  • To get the correct proportions, measure the tallow and beeswax (e.g., 5 cups tallow to 1/4 cup beeswax).
  • Gently melt the mixture over medium heat, stirring until thoroughly mixed.

4. Pour the Mixture:

  • Put the containers in the oven and preheat it to 250°F.
  • After the beeswax and tallow have melted, transfer them into the containers.
  • If you need to support the wicks, use craft sticks.

5. Center and Secure the Wick:

  • Dip the wick’s bottom into the melted liquid once more in a hurry.
  • Reposition it in the middle of the container, making sure it is upright.

6. Allow Cooling:

Keep the candles at room temperature to cool. The wicks can be kept from sagging by slightly cooling the liquid before pouring.

7. Trim the Wicks:

  • After the candles have completely cooled down, cut the wicks to the appropriate length.

8. Light and Enjoy:

Tallow Candles
  • You may now light your tallow candles. Savor the nice aroma and clear burn.

Additional Tips:

  • Since suet is the greatest fat for manufacturing candles, think about using it for the tallow.
  • To discover the ideal balance, experiment with various container sizes and wick lengths.
  • Not only does beeswax help to strengthen the wick, but it also gives the candle other advantages.

Will Tallow Candles Tunnel?

Tallow candles have the potential to tunnel, which occurs when the wick burns a tunnel along the middle of the candle.

In my experience, tunneling does not occur if you let your candle burn for longer than thirty minutes at a time. Don’t worry if you do have tunneling; all you need to do is remelt the tallow and manufacture the candle.

Do Tallow Candles Go Rancid?

I believe that at some point they will, but I have seen them last for over a year without any problems.

Do Tallow Candles Smell?

No. There will be a strong stench when you reduce the animal fat into tallow. There won’t be any animal odor when the tallow candles are burning. It’s going to burn clean.

Can I Use Tallow Candles in Emergencies?

Tallow candles do really provide a good emergency lighting solution. In an emergency, tallow candles may be a wise choice for the following reasons:

Long Burning period: Tallow candles have the capacity to burn for a long period, making them a reliable source of light in an emergency. Depending on the candle’s size and composition, the precise burning period may change.

Accessible Ingredients: Animal fats can be used to make tallow, which in some cases may be easier to come by than other ingredients for creating candles. It might be helpful to have basic components for manufacturing candles on hand in case of need.

Clean Burning: Candles made from properly prepared tallow can burn with little smoke or residue. Maintaining adequate air quality is crucial, particularly in small places.

Cost-Effective: Tallow is frequently a reasonably priced and economical candle-making ingredient. Tallow candles can be an economical choice in emergency scenarios where resources may be scarce.

Versatility: Tallow candles are flexible and may be used for a range of applications. They can be used as a backup light source in the event that other lighting alternatives are not available or for general illumination.

Possibility of Do It Yourself: You may make tallow candles at home with a few basic supplies and tools. In an emergency where access to pre-made candles may be limited, this do-it-yourself feature might come in handy.

Sustainable Option: By using a byproduct that could otherwise go to waste, using tallow to make candles is in line with sustainability standards.

But it’s crucial to take into account a few things:

Odor: Depending on the animal used as a source and the rendering technique, tallow candles might have a different fragrance. The smell could irritate some people, but it might not bother others.

Storage: To avoid deterioration, tallow candles, like any other candles, should be kept in a cold, dry environment.

Safety should always come first when working with any open flame. Always keep candles under supervision and place them away from combustible objects and firm surfaces.

Most Frequently Asked Questions!

Q1: What is tallow?

Rendering animal fat, usually from sheep or cattle, is called tallow. It is made by melting and clarifying the fat tissues, often suet, and has been used for a number of applications in the past, including the manufacture of candles.

Q2: Are tallow candles eco-friendly?

Because tallow candles frequently repurpose a byproduct that might otherwise go to waste, they might be seen as environmentally beneficial. Making animal tallow may be a resource-efficient and sustainable technique.

Q3: Do tallow candles produce an unpleasant odor?

Tallow candles can have different smells depending on the animal used as the source and how it was rendered. When opposed to candles manufactured from rotten or inferior fats, properly prepared tallow candles can be practically odorless.

Q4: How do I make tallow candles at home?

You will need tallow, a wick (ideally cotton), and a container to create tallow candles at home. Melt the tallow, insert the wick into the container, pour the molten tallow over it, then coat the wick with beeswax for stability. Let it cool and get solid.

Q5: Can I use tallow candles in emergencies?

Tallow candles do really provide a good emergency lighting solution. They may be produced with easily obtained components, have a long burning period, and are inexpensive. Still, it’s a good idea to stock an emergency pack with many sources of lighting.

Q6: Are tallow candles safe to use?

With the right safety measures in place, using tallow candles may be safe. Place the candles on sturdy surfaces, keep them away from combustible objects, and make sure you never leave them unattended. When utilizing any open flame, use normal fire safety precautions.

Q7: Do tallow candles burn cleanly?

Candles made from well-prepared tallow can burn with little smoke or residue. A few examples of the variables that affect the burn’s purity include the wick and tallow quality.

Q8: Can tallow candles be scented?

Essential oils can be added to melted tallow before it is poured into the containers to fragrance the candles. This makes it possible to alter the fragrance to suit individual tastes.

Q9: What is the shelf life of tallow candles?

Tallow candles may last a long time if kept in a dry, cold environment. But it’s important to take into account the tallow’s quality as well as any other components or fragrances.

Q10: Where can I purchase tallow candles?

You may get tallow candles from a number of venues, such as websites that specialize in natural and handcrafted goods, local artisanal stores, and online marketplaces. Furthermore, you may use easily obtained components to create your own tallow candles at home.

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